How to cope with loneliness

I'm alone almost the entire day. I don't leave our room because I don't trust my in laws. Especially my SIL, since she's always yelling at me and giving me dirty looks. My boyfriend works full time and he's at work a lot more now because they're training him for supervisor. I get he's tied when gets home so I either leave him alone with his food served, rub his feet or give him a bj but then after all that, I'm on my own again. I'm 16w1d pregnant and I'm starting to get depressed. I'm proud of my boyfriend for what he's doing (getting paid salary at 21) and everything else, but the only company I have is my Dog's. I lost communication with my family, they don't want anything to do with me. How do I cope with being lonely. I've tried hobbies but nothing catches my attention. My friends are too busy and I don't like to bother. 
Sorry if this is long. I'm really lonely. 😔