

So I had my first boyfriend in 7th grade, he was kinda known as the “bad boy” around the school well I had been trying to get with him all school year, at the beginning of the year he asked for my number and I gave it to him I sat at the phone and waited and waited and he never called or texted, well around April I got my first Snapchat account and when I got the account I had saw he added me. So I added him back...May rolls around and he asks me to go out with him, and I was so excited I said yes and we dated. We went to the summer fair together we did all sorts of fun things together my parents didn’t like him but they loved seeing me happy. He asked to go on a date with me about a month after we were dating and we went on the date around the middle of June, he said he’d pay for everything so I only brought about $40 we went to the movies and I had to end up paying for everything. And I had nothing left but I thought it was ok. So we left the movies and got to his house to hang out. When we got there he said we were gonna go to his room and I felt uncomfortable anyways because he’d been calling me an idiot and things like that but this made me more uncomfortable but then he said we’d play a video game... so I said ok. (I didn’t really know what sex was until 8th grade but I knew basically what it was) so we get in there and he starts putting his hand on my upper thigh...and I pushed his hand away..well I had scooted farther away and he grabbed me by my wrist and told me not to move again. So I didn’t cause I was kinda scared...and he unbuttoned my shorts and I pushed his hand away and he grabbed me again..he shoved his hand down in my pants and he fingered me. afterwards he pulled my pants down and pulled his dick out...after that I yelled no. And he was shocked so he put it away and said “ok if you don’t do this we’re done” and I said ok after we broke up we still had a whole hour left with eachother cause my parents weren’t home, he grabbed my phone and got on my Instagram and logged into his. He texted 5 other girls telling them he loves them. This was over 2 years ago and I’m not over it...I have a new boyfriend now and he’s really sweet and he knows that I was cheated on but he doesn’t know the full this day I feel like it was my fault that it happened...I haven’t had any kind of advice about it or counseling...because I’ve been scared to tell the whole thing...should I tell someone?