Post partum belly

Jennifer • Mom of two beautiful boys ♡ pregnant with baby #3 due March 2022 ♡ Married ♡ Fur Mom ♡

Hey guys! So I'm a little over 9 months post partum via c section (I've had 2). I've been on depo for 6 months and I gain a lot of weight with it. My last shot was in January. Since it's spring and nice out I've been walking a lot. I've currently walked 36.1 miles over 40 workouts. I've tried doing some app workout plans and I just cannot seam to lose any weight. I always seam bloated. The last time I weighed I was 171, and before I was pregnant I was 135. And my BMI says obeese.

I don't have time for a gym because I have 2 kids and I'm going back to school.

Any tips or tricks? Help a mama out !!