Sex within marriage GUILT

So we have been married for a year and a half now. I love sex and have a healthy sex drive. My husband does NOT. He just confided in me last night... sex makes him feel guilty and ashamed that is why he never wants it. I am struggling so much right now. I don't know what to do. HOW do i help him. We are married and did not do anything before marriage. We are not kinkky or do anything crazy. I just want sex with my husband to feel the colse bond and the love. I can't even touch below his waist without making him feel bad. Has anyone dealt with this??? PLEASE HELP!!!

We are going to talk to a counselor but that is a few weeks out and I dont know what to do in the mean time. We are 22 and 21. Both raised in Christians homes. I was shelter. He was not. Both virgins till marriage. I am a very touchy person. That is how I show and feel love. So I NEED his touch. BUT I don't want to push him or make him feel bad. I am trying to not touch him till he is ready but I don't know how long I can last. I don't want to be abusive or anything like that. I feel so horrible and dirty now because I dont know if anytime we have been intimate he has actually wanted it or if he was just trying to please me. I don't want to make this about me or make him feel bad. I just need help understand and figuring out what to do.

Edit for comments... he never was into watching porn.

Nothing happend to him that i know of. He does have low body image.