Worst mom ever!

I am feeling like the worst mom ever. Yesterday my 6 month old and I were watching her dad play soccer. At the end of the game, she was getting sleepy, so I laid her back in her carseat on the stroller with a blanket on her. After the game, we headed to his mom's house for lunch. On the way to her house, some idiot ran a red light and Almost hit us. Scary enough. When we safely arrive at his mom's house, I go to take my baby girl out of the car, only to realize I forgot to buckle her back in. We drove all the way there without her strapped in AND we almost got in an accident. 😓😣😖😵😰 How could I do that? How could I not realize she wasn't strapped in? So so thankful nothing happened, but I just feel so sick to my stomach at the thought of it.