Pregnancy vs pregnancy loss: Venting

I had a complete molar pregnancy in February and my husband and I were devastated. Would’ve been the first baby for both of us and first grandchild for both sets of our parents. In order to make sure I don’t get choriocarcinoma (type of uterine cancer), my doctor required that I get my blood drawn once a week for 8 weeks to track my HCG levels and then once a month for 6 months.

A friend of mine is about 21 weeks pregnant with her first. She texted me today to see how I was doing and I told her the blood draws are getting old. It’s just a regular reminder that we lost our baby and can’t start TTC again yet. She texted back saying “yeah I know what you mean” because she gets hers drawn at every prenatal visit. Don’t get me wrong, I know those tests can be just as annoying regardless of whether or not your pregnant. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a little peeved that she thinks we’re going through the same thing. And to add insult to injury I have it sitting in my head that my husband and I were actively TTC and my friend and her boyfriend just had failed birth control and are dealing with this surprise family with both their Uber catholic families.

I truly love this girl so much and am just so happy for their little one on the way. I’m just being petty and venting. It sounds horrible.