Over reacting??

Taylor • Baby Searcy Due💜 8/24/2020😍
Am I overreacting? My husband always leaves to go outside and he said that he's going to check the mail well he doesn't check the mail he goes out and smokes and he knows that I don't like it and sometimes he will go buy a beer and not tell me and try to hide it and do it behind my back and then he dips and doesn't tell me. we are on a tight budget and all these extra expenses is killing us sometimes am I overreacting because he's lying to me. he knows that I don't like whenever he does this kind of stuff because he knows that it hurts me because of different reasons with my family. am I overreacting should I just let it go? I'll talk to him before about it but he just doesn't listen to me. he says that he will stop everything all the time but he never does he always does the same thing. am I overreacting?