Can you still get pregnant with long periods??

Samantha • I am 25 & hubby is 26. We are ttc our 1st child.

I cannot begin to tell you how much research I have done on the topic of trying to get pregnant. In my last post I think I confused readers into thinking I've never really tried to get pregnant, but there were times I have and nothing. We have never used protection and nothing.

I always had normal cycles until 2012. It got really messed up when it was close to 2013 and I had a heavy af for close to 3 months and it wouldn't even be a month until it returned again and I got it again an again an again with no sign of letting up.

Well last year it got better, but not really. My periods stopped, but they stopped for months at a time. There was one normal af I had back in March, but then that was it.

I saw an obgyn in May. She ordered my blood work, uktrasound, and prescribed me bc which I didn't want because of past bad experiences, but I gave it a try. It brought my period back and it was horrible. Now this part gets really TMI so stop reading now if your easily grossed out. I was on my period close to 3 weeks and for for 1 of those weeks I couldn't barely get out of bed. It wasn't due to cramping, it was because I was so tired I kept sleeping and sleeping and I was going through pads so quickly. Everything I got up it felt like a waterfall down there and had huge clots. I had to call out of work and I had to go to the hospital. They couldn't give me an answer and said my blood levels were ok. It was irratating.

I finally went back to the obgyn and she said it was because my lining was so thick the bc was helping get rid of it and that why it was so bad. Well, I'm not going to lie I stopped the bc. She told me my blood work looked all good for the most part and I have no real signs of pcos, no fibroid on my ovaries, the only thing I had was a small cyst on my left ovary.

The only thing she said is a little out of range is my FSH/LH which is 3:1 ratio. She wasn't really clear on what that meant.

Since then I've had spotting as periods until this month when I had light periods that only lasted 2 days. Then this month I spotted then I started my period 8 says ago which is just a normal flow, but I'm still on it but it's really light today.

I know that was really.long leading up to my question, but I had to get that out.

So my question is, if I'm about to come off my period and it's last for about 8 days, can I still u age a chance to ovulate or am I out for this month?