Is my boyfriend telling the truth?

Weird question.. but can robots (fake girls on dating sites) text your actual phone number? My boyfriend said he got a text message from a girl saying she's in town and to meet him at a hotel. He asked her how did she get his number and she said his number looked familiar from POF. (A dating site.) I asked him oh were you talking to her before me? Which I don't have a problem with since it was before we met. And he totally denies it and was like that's why I'm showing you I'm not sure how she got my number. I told him maybe it's a robot and he said yeah probably. So can fake profiles text your actual number? She also sent a picture with the message and she does look fake but I'm really not sure. Like she said the hotel name and the name of our city too.

EDIT: Here's the picture for reference does this look fake? He sent this to me the blue is him.

Edit 2: Okay well I feel really stupid especially because he's always on my ass about cheating and after he told me this he said he had a dream that I cheated on him and I would never do that so I'm really confused because he seems really against cheating ??? And like I want kids with this person eventually so I just feel horrible idk how to approach this again because I already told him it might be a robot but now everyone's saying it doesn't look like one. I'm so confused. 😟

Edit3: he said he might have talked to her in the past but doesn't remember her or recognize her name he said I don't know who that is unless she switched to a different name. 🙄🙄 And that he doesn't have anything to hide.