Mother hates my ex husband


Right now I currently live with my parents until I get back on my feet. My mother absolutely hates my ex and can’t stand that we talk to each other. If I am even civil to him she accuses me of trying to get back together with him or that I’m trying to send him the wrong signals. This could be over literally anything. This morning I told him about how loud the lightning was over the house this morning and she accused me of trying to confuse him. 🙄 I don’t understand why my family is trying to make things so ugly between us. We are no longer together and we have two children. We have to communicate and get along for the kids sake. I guess I don’t see why I have to be an absolute bitch to him if we’re not going to only talk about the kids. I don’t even know what to do. She keeps saying I might as well move in with him if I’m going to behave like this.... 😒 How do I explain it to my family that it’s okay for me to talk to him. How do I get the point across we are not getting back together even if we are kind to each other? I hate the stress this causes.