Porn addiction


I've been having problems with my husband recently; I kept finding messages on his phone to random girls online asking for nude photos. It had been a while, and my trust was building back up, I hadnt gone through his phone in like a month. Then last night he tried to show me a video, he held it too far from my face and I couldnt see it, so I tried to grab the phone so I could hold it where I could see and he flipped about it.

So I waited for him to go to bed and I went through his phone and found messages where he actually paid a girl on ifunny for a nude photo.

I woke him up and was majorly pissed about it because hes following several nudity pages. I yelled quite a bit and I told him that I had just overcome the trust issues I had and then as soon as that happened he turned around and was messaging other girls for photos. He broke down crying and telling me that he thinks he has a porn addiction and that he didnt want to tell me because he felt dirty and perverted because of it and didnt want me to think of him that way. We sat outside for an hour and a half while he cried and told me that he doesnt know how to stop, that hes tried quite a few times and that he couldnt stop.

Does anyone else face this problem in their marriage? If you did, how did you solve it? I'm at a loss currently because I just dont know how to help him in this situation.