I’m really hurt

So this girl who I was friends with a lot of my childhood, even through highschool. Come to find out she’s 5+ months pregnant with my (ex’s) baby’s from a drunken night together. I haven’t been with my ex for over two years and I’m married with a daughter. I’m really hurt that we use to be friends and she would go and sleep with my (ex) (first love) We we’re together for 4 years from ages (16-20). He cheated on me and he just wasn’t a great boyfriends and things didn’t work out. I’m just really not sure why this bother me so much considering I have a husband (who would do anything for me) and a beautiful daughter that my husband and I share. Any advice to help let go? Or to even help me understand why I care about this?I should also add back in February she tried messaging me acting like she didn’t know we broke up, bringing him up saying oh what happens, I have no idea. Also, saying she missed me. I explained then she never replied. Then come to find this out, it’s so obvious she was digging for information.(because she was pregnant with his child).