How long did leap 3 last for you?

Sarah • Canadian 🇨🇦 married 4 years, Benjamin Mark born 04/04/2019 Lost Charlotte at 24 weeks to stillbirth on 02/06/21 👼 Currently expecting 🌈 baby May 2022

My little guy is currently 3 days into what I think is his 3rd leap.. he’s all out of sorts ☹️ he’s normally so happy and loves to play on his playmat but these last couple days he barely makes it 10-15 minutes playing (he used to do 40-60 min!), he only wants mama when he’s fussy (which seems to be almost all the time now), and he wants to nurse constantly!

He is normally an amazing sleeper, sleeps 8 pm until 9 am and would only wake up once to eat for 25 min. Last night he was up every 3 hours... and none of his naps have lasted longer then 40 minutes and he usually has two 1 hour naps and 1 two hour nap in between.

It’s been so hard for both of us, I hate seeing him so fussy and seemingly uncomfortable 😢

How long did the third leap last for you?