Possible o? Cm tmi pic

So I have this cm Yd and today high, short, open, soft Cirvex. And this wierd runny, stretchy, Kinda marble color- it's mostly clear but sometimes a slot of white. what u think it means. No opk, and my bbt thermometer is behind my big solid oak King size bed frame... Or in other words I can move my heavy as hell bed frame to get it. And I can't get under it to get it out. First is from your 
That's how far it stretches. And today 
To show the colors. Like I said its been clear for the most part. Except for some white in it but that's only when I checked it and took pics. The rest of the time it's clear. 
Having trouble deciding if I'm o or not. Yd my left side hurt like I was o, today it's the right. It's the sharp weird feeling. Any idea what's happening. I honestly don't think I've been oing like opks say I was. And if the fsh home test is right, I might not be. But we won't know until after the 7th. That's the soonest I could get in. I'm also on the waiting list so if anyone cancelled they call me ASAP. Wish I knew how sad, frustrating and confusing it was to ttc before we decided to.