Baby sleep

adele 🇬🇧 babygirl 07.06.15💓 #2due 01.01.19💙🌈

My nearly 6 month old wakes to early!

He goes to bed between 7-7.30 and sleeps through till 4.30-5 and wants to get up for the day I’ve tried feeding him but he still doesn’t go back to sleep, I’ve tried leaving him in his cot but he still doesn’t go back to sleep sometimes if I get him in to bed when he wakes up he’ll sleep another half hour but that’s it, his last feed is between 5.30 and 6pm i don’t feed him before I put him down because I don’t want him to get used to being fed to sleep he wakes up from his last nap at 5 then 6.15 I take him upstairs for his bath then I put him down straight after