Just knew i was pregnant!


So ladies i see alot asking questions about the tww but honestly i just knew exactly when i ovulated and implanted this month. I was on fertomid 100mg just to help me ovulate and didnt even bd alot this month. I had cramps on CD10-12 then again from CD14-17. Ovulated on CD16 as i had EWCM when i wiped. Took millions of tests in the tww cause i just new and always got a BFN. Even the day of expected AF i got a BFN. Day after AF was due i got a pinch like pain and thought oh well must be AF coming but nothing. Took a test at CD32 or 16dpo and i have a visible positive. Big shocker cause we were actually not trying but not preventing either. Oh i had diarrhea also during my Tww