

Hey ladies. I’ve had 3 miscarriages (blighted ovum, chemical, and PUL) over the past 2.5 years. Ecstatic to find out we were expecting a little valentines bean. My dr. had been testing my levels every 48 hrs, then weekly, and now we will be going back to every 48 hrs. These are my results:

Jun 5: HCG 29 Prog 18.25

Jun 7: HCG 60 Prog 13.75

Jun 11: HCG 163

June 17: HCG 584

I have another draw tomorrow, so I feel like I will have a better idea then, but just curious if anyone else has been in a similar situation and had it come out with a positive result. Am I being doom and gloomy for nothing? I’m naturally realistic, but just looking for any hope. ❤️