Assia would be 5m old soon. But instead of nursing I’m taking care of her grave.


She supposed to born on February 6, but two weeks prior a doctor found no heartbeat.

So I gave birth two days later to my dead little one.

Time heals but we still remember her every day and she will be part of our family forever. I still imagine how she would be now and it is hard to see photos of babies born the same time.

And it is even harder to read ‘complaining’ posts, even jokingly, like “I miss my pre-baby life so much!”. I know that I look at the world differently now. No women appreciates motherhood more than the one who lost a child.

Yet I would like to remind every mother, especially those who never had to go through a loss, that what you have is so precious and you should be feeling lucky every single moment of your life.