First TWW


Okay. So, I conceived my two daughters accidentally, when I was 20 and 21. Over the last 6 years I have been a surrogate 3 times. 3 rounds of <a href="">IVF</a>, 3 successful pregnancies, 4 healthy babies. Now I am 32 and off birth control for 3 months. This is the first month my husband and I are trying for a baby. I’m currently 4 dpo. With <a href="">IVF</a>, I started testing at 4 dpt with a 5 day embryo. I got a BFP at 4dpt with twins and 5dpt with the singletons. So, does that mean I could theoretically get a BFP at 9 dpo?

Yes, I’m a little obsessed with the pee tests.