

I’ve had two miscarriages so this is my third pregnancy. My pregnancy is high risk as I have been bleeding so I’ve been put on bed rest I don’t know till when. I have had to move back home because I’m unable to work and support myself and if it wasn’t for my mother I wouldn’t have a roof over my head. I cannot enjoy my pregnancy because I’m always in bed and cannot do anything not even cook a meal for myself. I took a simple slow walk the other day just for fresh air and my bleeding became worse so doctors have given me strict orders to just stay in bed. I’m just always sad and grumpy lately and I’m in constant fear because I can see my baby is at great risk. I dont even know how to cheer myself up anymore. I have to depend on my mother when I’m used to her depending on me and I can’t do anything for her anymore. I’m also unable to continue with my studies and I’m just feeling so depressed. I know I have to do what’s best for the baby but I feel useless