I'd really like honest opinions please

Ttc for 18months. 1xmc over a year ago. Partner is 42 never smoked or drank and exercises everyday. Sperm count great. Myself fit and well, I have a higher ovarian reserve level at 51 but bmi is in healthy range I ovulate every month with a cycle 28 to 33 days. We had all fertility tests offered to us and the conclusion was nothing is wrong. However, we are eligible for funding for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> in Dec/jan which will be 2 years ttc and not other options as there's nothing to treat.

I've mentioned this to a few close friends. They seem like we are rushing into it. I don't know what to do as even I find it the last resort...

What do you guys think???