Can someone please give me advice I am freaking out

I had my first internal ultrasound yesterday and everything looked good. I’m only 5 weeks. I had no bleeding or spotting prior to this appointment and all of my HCG numbers looked great. After my appointment I started having light spotting. I woke up this morning and my first pee was fine. No blood or spotting. I started getting ready for work and I’m bleeding. Not as heavy as my miscarriage bleeding, but bleeding red blood and there’s tiny pieces of clotting. I’m not sure if the clotting was just dried up blood because again it’s not like a period clotting. This blood is medium red in color and isn’t as heavy as a period but heavier than just normal spotting.

I have a dr appointment at 1:15 today and all I can do is cry thinking this is all happening again. My worst nightmare. I was so confident this time around everything was going to be okay. But no pregnant woman feels okay when they pull their pants down and see blood.

Has this ever happened to anyone before and went on to have a healthy pregnancy? I’m so worried because of my trauma in the past. I can’t even believe to think this is happening again. What do I do? How do I know what’s normal and what’s not normal? Can someone please help me 🙏🏻 I am begging to have some peace of mind while I wait for my appointment 🥺