MIL & Christmas drama.

Katelyn • Happily married.
So hubby is in the military. We are an 8-9hr drive from his parents house and across the country from mine. Well this year will be our daughter's first Christmas so I wanted to do Christmas in our own home but husband's mom has already started guilting us into making the drive so she can see her grandkid. Don't get me wrong I understand her wanting to be a part of it, but I feel guilty if one set of grandparents gets to be a part of my baby's first Christmas while the other parents don't (especially because pics will end up on social media and that's almost like rubbing it in their faces). Not to mention taking a baby on an 8-9hr road trip sounds daunting and we would have to bring our dogs because we can't afford to board them. Am I wrong to want to stay home and enjoy Christmas with my little family? Especially because it seems like the fairer option.