Feeling like a bad mom because I can’t breast feed..

My plan was to breast feed my son, but once he was born he would not latch at all. The nurses tried everything and then referred me to an outpatient breast feeding clinic. It was then that they discovered that he had a significant tongue tie. We had it treated and have continued going to the breastfeeding clinic, but he still will not latch. We tried a nipple shield and the nurse said he is basically just using it as a pacifier. I have been pumping and giving him that, but I have a low supply so we have been topping off with formula. He ended up losing two ounces and the nurses were concerned so I have mainly been giving him formula to try and get his weight up. The one nurse made me feel terrible and said I am jeopardizing my baby’s health by not breast feeding him, but at this point I want him to gain weight and be healthy!! I was formula fed as a baby, as well as my husband and I think we turned out just fine 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Theses nurses have been sooo judgemental, I hate having to go to the appointments. They even questioned me on why my son has reddish hair when my husband is so dark. Blonde/redheads run on my side of the family, I myself am blonde, but they made it look like my husband isn’t even the father!! They told me I have to keep coming back until I am able to breastfeed but I just can’t deal with them anymore! Every time I leave there I am in tears and more frustrated than ever! They make me feel like I am a terrible mother!