Just started bottle feeding


So I've been exclusively nursing my 3 month old son since I don't have to return to work until the end of August. Reading comments about how moms are having trouble getting their babies to eat from the bottle has been making me nervous so I used my hakaa today and tried to bottle feed him. I fed him the 2 oz I got from the hakaa and he basically guzzled it down no problem within a few minutes. Then he nursed for about 5 more minutes. I have a few questions:

1) how many ounces and how often should exclusively nursed babies eat?

2) how long does it generally take them to eat? I feel like he drank that bottle super fast.

3) I used the bottles/nipples that came with my Spectra pump but I can't figure out what size they are. Anybody know? Are they ok for EBF babies?

4) At this age do I need to worry about him now getting to prefer the bottle after he's been nursing this whole time? When I return to work I plan to have him bottle fed only when I'm not around and will otherwise continue to nurse since we both love it.

Thanks for the advice!