My second sweep worked!! 😭


Little backstory had my first sweep at 38+4 (6/13) Was 3-4 cm dilated 80% thinned. Sweep was unsuccessful. Went back in yesterday (6/17) 39+1 for another sweep, was 4 cm and 90% thinned. Around 8 pm i was having some BH. Nothing painful, i thought my sweep failed again 😐

11 pm they turned kinda painful coming every 5 or so minutes. 12 am on 6/18 they were every 3-4.5 minutes and by 12:30-1 am they were every 2 minutes.

We got to the hospital around 1:15 am and I was 6 cm dilated!! I was in soooo much pain. Got my room I want to say at 2 am and was 7 cm! I thought I would have awhile laboring and was in a lot of pain, I was hyperventilating and shaking and tingling so decided to get the epidural.

Epidural comes and he’s doing it and guys.... contractions were coming crazy fast and hard. I was sitting there as he was finishing the epi and I FELT BABIES HEAD IN MY VAGINA.

I start screaming I need to push I need to push! I haven’t had any meds from the epi yet even though it’s in my back so I’m feeling everything, I know for a fact it’s his head. They lay me down, check me, I’m at 10 cm. Baby is crowning. My water breaks and I am screaming I need to push. Nurse shuts my legs which pissed me off so bad but a doctor (a triage doc) is running in to catch him. I’m screaming my lungs off and within a few minutes he was here. I didn’t tear at all which surprised me because it literally felt like I had ripped all the way.

3:07 am 6/18/2019 Samuel Elmer was born 💙 He is so perfect and latched right away which makes me so happy as my first had a really hard time. Super healthy. Head full of black hair, 7 lbs 20 inches long.

All the pain was worth it.