Need help please.

My first two pregnancies were high risk and rough both born at 36 weeks carrying was fairly easy in itself I didn't have alot of pain or anything like that and my breasts never bothered me. Now pregnant with my first non high risk pregnancy so I'm guessing normal but for me nothing is normal I'm 35.1 I hurt so bad I can't hardly walk sit stand sleep eat I mean like wow my crotch has never been so sore. But my breasts feel like their gonna explode is this normal?
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Posted at
Sit on an ice pack! It's HEAVEN! 


Posted at
I'm also on the 17p shots to keep my cervix closed so I'm wondering if I'm getting to much now


Posted at
I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch by a horse I love my warm baths but my 13 months old don't allow me much down time which makes everything worse. This isn't a high risk pregnancy so yeah its all new to me :(


Posted at
It's normal. I'm 35.2 and I can tell baby has dropped from how I look. My crotch doesn't feel nice! 


Posted at
I know that I've been very sick/sore/tired/miserable and I'm not high risk. My doctor said all those things are due to hormones, and are strong because my hormone levels are high (estrogen, progesterone, HCG...) so having high levels of hormones is a GOOD sign :) it means a healthy pregnancy! 


Posted at
I asked my doctor about my severe crotch pain and she said its normal. I usually take a nice warm bath and soak in it for a little to relieve the pain!  Maybe try an ice/warm pack down there as well to try to help!! Some days mine hurts so bad my boyfriend has to help me walk ):