Induced yesterday and baby today


Yesterday I was induced (36&6) started having contractions about 9pm. I was at 2 and thick even with the medicine they were giving me to thin me out. 3 o’clock the same thing. Well 4 o’clock I started having contractions every minute. They wouldn’t check me till 7 and I knew I had dilated. Sure enough 7:30 this morning they came I was at 5cm and 50% couldn’t do much due to the contractions. Then they broke my water at 9:30. My ob was with another patient 45 mins away 😫. Then the electric went out because of a transformer 😱. Well finally about 11:30 everything was set to push. One push and at 11:48 he was born 6p4oz and 19inches long! Been latching all day to feed and sissy loves him don’t like when anyone else holds him though 🤷🏻‍♀️😂