First time using the cup

Hello, about an hour ago i tried my cup for the first time, i inserted it with no problem, didn’t hurt or anything. i sat down to do my makeup which took about 30 minutes and as i was doing that i was watching a video of a girl talking about her cup. she said during the day she assumed she had a heavy flow but when she took out her cup it wasn’t a lot of blood. so i got curious, and took out my cup very early. to my surprise there was A LOT of blood in my cup!! it didn’t bother me or anything, but i was shocked.

So i put the cup back in, no hassle. Checked for dents or anything to make sure it opened and sealed.

So then i’m walking around my house, and i feel a sharp pain around my pelvic area! i assumed it was the cup suctioning? but it really hurt!!

any tips on how to prevent this from happening again? i really am liking my experience with the cup so far, even though it’s only been an hour lol...

any advice or tips would be appreciated!!!