35w3d and my insecurity is TAKING OVER MY LIFE!!!!

Jess 🎀 • Parents of one AMAZING 2 year old little boy and expecting a BABY GIRL in August 2018!
I'm about to lose my mind. Today I'm 35w3d. On Saturday, I was completely agitated and fed up at everyone and everything. I finally told off my neighbor for making one of her comments about how huge I am and that I'm "carrying a big baby." I also was very short with my husband and nearly screamed at a stranger who I insisted was staring at me. On Sunday, I held everything together and was somewhat normal until bedtime. Now it's 5 am on Monday and I'm crying uncontrollably. My main issue is that I feel so terribly unattractive. The insecurity is literally taking over my life. The fact that my husband and I have sex like once a week now is a huge contributing factor (we used to have sex like 3 times per week pre-pregnancy). Plus I have gained an insane amount of weight with my pregnancy and I feel so ugly. In my mind I get angry at my husband because I think he doesn't want me because of how hideous I look right now. My same mind doesn't think he's that type of person since he's always been so good to me. Yet now I feel like he checks out everyone woman he sees, but I know it's my insecurity ruling my mind. Even as I type this, I feel emotional yet completely ridiculous. I know it's wishful thinking to assume that maybe this emotional roller coaster is a sign of labor. I know I have to tough out these next 4 & 1/2 weeks but I'm now afraid I'm going to lose it when I go to work today. My job is very high stress to begin with, but I've always handled it well. When you combine my already high stress corporate job with the fact that my company is currently in the process of being bought, along with my need to train a person to do my entire job and this emotional insanity I'm feeling, it's sure to be a recipe for disaster. I just pray I don't lose it on my VP because I'll be walking the unemployment line 9 months pregnant. Anyway, does anyone else feel so completely insecure that it's bordering on making them crazy? Either way, I needed to vent about this. I don't want to talk to anyone I know about it since I'm sure I'll sound like a total lunatic. Insight please!!!!!