10 days early, but she's here.


Since some people like details.

Friday night i thought i was having upset stomach pains. Around 10pm i noticed the cramps were coming between 8-10 minutes apart and realized they were probably contractions.

Saturday woke up at 2:30 and couldn't sleep through the contractions. Kept timing them and varied from 5min - 15 min apart. Called doctor and they said i could come in if i wanted to be checked. I could still talk through the contractions and walk and function so i told my boyfriend to go to work. He had a 4 hour shift. They were so inconsistent didn't think anything of it.

11:45 yesterday i was painting stuff for the nursery and started getting contractions between 4-10 minutes apart, but so painful i couldn't stand up. So i drove to the hospital, walked to labor and delivery. Went to check me out and becuase i was talking and fine the nurses kinda were shocked. I was 7 cm already at 12:30.

Texted my bf to leave work at 1:25 at 8cm to rush to hospital. Called my mom to rush over to hospital.

Boyfriend got here at 2:10, mom around 2:00.

Violet was born at 2:30, 5lbs 15oz.