Long Story - help!

I realise that this probably isn't something I should post here but I'm interested in what other parents would do. Our 11 month old is quite sick, she's had three weeks of runny nose and a low grade fever which was fine. Then four days ago she developed a cough, again fine. Yesterday she developed a fever of 40C, yet her hands and feet were ice cold and she slept all day long. We took her to emergency last night and waited 4hrs and then just came home as she slept the whole time and we still had another 11 people (at approx 3hrs) in front of us. The nurse stressed to keep a close eye on her for the next 48hrs as she could deteriorate quite quickly and to bring her back in if she does. Well she's been awake all of 30mins today and it's almost 2pm. She's eaten a banana and has had two milk feeds. Each time I give her panadol it brings her temp down to 38C for about 2hrs and then climbs again. Her feet are still ice cold but hands are okay. Should I be taking her back so soon or waiting it out a bit longer?