I am ready to admit it...

Kayleigh-Marie 🇬🇧 • 08/18👼💚•09/19👼💚•03/05/20👼❤

I am ready to admit that I have been in an on going emotionally abusive relationship with my mother. After years of cutting her off but bringing her back into my life out of guilt I'm ready to admit the truth and begin to heal and move forward with my life.

It started from the age of 8 when she began nitpicking about my weight even though this was me - a skinny Minnie with barely any body fat -

Next it was my hormones being blamed for everything, I was an early bloomer which gave my mum more ammunition to turn things back on me "she's just a moody teenager" "she had a fit today over nothing" "her hormones are everywhere" it was ALWAYS MY fault. Never hers. She was never in the wrong never to blame.

My siblings and other family members began dismissing my cries for help as hormones. I begged my father to let me live with him and not her but he sent me home every time and every time I wanted nothing but to die to escape. After suicide attempts my mum would call me an attention seeking whore, she would tell me she hated me and wished I would die. She made me feel like I wasn't good enough like I was to blame for every problem anyone in my life faced.

She paid a 16 year old girl to send me nasty messages to try to tip me over the edge again after I tried to contact my autistic little brother to see how he is doing. She told this girl I sent her a card with shit in it on mother's day. In reality I ordered a simple plain moonpig card and wrote happy mothers day from Kayleigh and that was it. I never got the card in my hands how did I put shit in it? She plays the victim and lies through her teeth about everything. When her husband hung himself the whole family and friends support network wasn't enough attention for her so she lied about being pregnant. Then because she couldn't come clean she faked a miscarriage. After filling us with hope this was my husband's dying gift to me this baby is a miracle. But it was fake. She got her 16 week scan and apparently had no money to pay for a picture so the nurse bluetoothed it to her. *they can't do that why did we ever believe her* and here is the scan she gave us all:

And here is a screenshot from the video I took showing her scan was in fact in the internet since 2010. But her pregnancy was faked in 2016. The scans are identical too, beyond the usual scans all look the same this is not two different photos for sure. The contrast is higher on this because it's a photo of a laptop screen.

So after all of this bullshit I'm ready to say fuck you for abusing me you have had your fun.

But not any more.

I will overcome this.