Progression Photos ❤️ Now 17weeks ! ❤️💕


I had really bad bleeding Jun 1st I started having really bad pain and it hasn’t stopped I’m going to be going to Hospital to make sure everything is okay with the baby it has been going on for 3 hours now . The Doctors and nurses did a lot of blood tests to make sure I wasn’t RH Neagtive and that my blood was t rejecting the baby and that was the case . The bleeding had to turned from light heavy with bad amount of back pain . Doctors found out that my body was trying to go into labor with any signs of me knowing due to short Cervix/incompetence of the cervix and that had to do a Cervical cerclage also known as a cervical stitch to help keep the baby developing until birth at 36-38weeks then the stitch will be removed so it doesn’t interfere with labor process at that time . I would have to get ultrasounds every two weeks just to make sure everything is okay with the baby and progesterone shots to help prevent preterm labor as well. They keep me in the hospital all day yesterday after the procedure. Doctor put me on bed rest until Wednesday-Thursday . He said it was okay for me to return to work Wednesday-Thursday. Activities are limited for me right now . Returning to work Wednesday-Thursday I have to keep the work load light on myself so the Stitch doesn’t open. ❤️ I’m glad and blessed that baby is okay! ❤️😍🤰




Time flys by to fast get to see baby and midwife again next week for 18week scan and then 20week scan ! ❤️💗