Feeling insecure

Ellie • 💀

A few weeks ago I agreed to help out a friend to supervise her and the boyfriend with their baby (CPS related). They attend group classes at a learning center and they bring me so they can also take the baby out.

Meanwhile they’re in class, I’m with the baby in the lobby, before they went inside the classroom, her boyfriend asked if they can bring the baby inside the class because he doesn’t “trust me.” That honestly made me want to cry.

Moments later he brought me the baby so I can feed her a bottle but she just started crying, and once he held her she stayed quiet. I got stares from the women in the learning center, and I even get stares from people in public as if I’m doing something wrong.

My s/o and I are trying for a baby. I’m in the TWW, I’m expecting my period in a few days and having these experiences makes me feel so insecure that I won’t be a good mother.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I hope I’m not the only one who ever feels this way...