My 3 birth stories


With my first one (boy) I had high blood pressure, so they admitted me to the hospital early. Ended up having to have a c-section after only being able to dilate to a 7. They gave me a lot of good drugs this labor so I really don’t remember it much lol I know he was a fat little guy 8lbs 2.9 oz

With my 2nd (boy again...) lol I had him 4 years later and realllllyyyyy didn’t want another c section, lucky where I went they pushed for vbacs I was so scared but I did it anyways. My little one came 6 weeks early, he would have been 7 weeks but they kept me in the hospital for a week until I turned 36 weeks to let his lungs develop. Finally I got induced at 2 in the morning, everyone was at home I lived about 30 mins from the hospital. I got induced and only lasted 2 hours before asking for the juicceee! Haha called my mom and husband and they came right before getting my epidural.

My husband was going to school for construction so he had to go to school that day and I was taking a while to dilate. My mom told him as soon as she’s close we’ll call you! His school was 1hr and 30 mins away. He had to go cause if he missed he would get in trouble with his union. I was in labor for 15 hours. Finally I was getting close my mom texted my husband and said you need to come now she’s going to have this baby any minute now. So he left school during traffic hour. My mom was in there with me and my aunt cam to visit and that’s when the dr said I was ready to push so everyone left expect my mom. I told her “I can’t do this I want to go home!” 😂🙄 yeah right.. She called my aunt in for back and my moms the type to be like okay let’s do this push this damn baby out so she obviously was down there looking the whole time! 😂 and my aunt she’s the complete opposite she stayed right beside me, she’s so gentle in her gentle sweet voice saying come on give me one big push. I’m pushing so hard I swear I’m going to shit my self lol as I’m pushing in comes my husband with my legs open being pushed to my face and a baby head poking out my “who” and he stopped so fast with his eyes so big and says “WOAH” 😂 I told him “you see what you do to me” haha and soon as he came that baby came out almost like the boy waited for his dad 🤦🏻‍♀️ haha

My sweet boy was 5 lbs 5 oz and was in NICU for 2 months ❤️

And finally my third & my last (probably not trying to convince hubby to give me one more) 😂 I finally got my baby girl. I remember this labor the most, I went to bed having contractions but not close together. They hurt but I said nope they’ll just send me home I can go to bed they’re not that bad 🙄 lol the next morning I woke up at 6 in the morning, (was living with my mom at the time) anyways I got in the shower cause I was still having contractions much more worse this time. I heard my mom get in the shower also. That motherly instinct, we always know. I got out and she looked at me and said it’s time huh ? I said I think so. Smacked hubby and said “let’s go I need a ride” left to the hospital 30 mins away arrived about 8, luckily my husband called ahead and they sent me straight up to L&D. They checked me I was already dilated to a 6! I was like “wahhh? We having this baby today” doc said “go get comfy”. I had already had my mind set on going for no epidural this time around, I knew I could do it. Contractions were bearable but I guess it’s because my water hadn’t broken yet. I was still at a 6 when the dr said okay were going to break your water to help this move along faster. She said your contractions are going to get stronger, I said oh we can’t leave it how it is? Lol they laughed like I was kidding. They broke my water and my contractions got stronger I was in labor for about 5 hours and I was in so much pain the nurses were kept tell me to get the epidural, I kept refusing. I knew I could do it! Finally I got some drugs but the one you get through the IV only last like an hour and I only get 3 doses. This time my MOL and SOL were in the room my mom again, sister and dad, grandma and husband. I finally got to 9 1/2 cm and I kid you not I had to take the biggest shit of my life, I said mom I HAVE TO PUSH IT OUT lol well I guess I was the baby who was ready but they needed me to relax which I couldn’t cause I felt like pushing. So finally they gave me the 1 hour epidural ( so mad) lol and I finally relaxed 15 mins later they checked me and said I’m ready to push. I took a nap instead 😂 I let the damn epidural wear off. My aunt from the my second time giving birth always shows up at the perfect times cause as soon as she came again I was ready to push that baby out. So everyone left except my mom, my aunt, MOL, SOL and cousin(who wasn’t suppose to be in there but I’m to nice. Oh and my husband, they had to wake him up from his beauty sleep 🙄 lol so here we go ready to push and my husbands holding one leg nurse holding the other, midwife saying push when I already was, mom trying to pep talk me and my aunt being so gentle again with her words (I swear I’ve never heard that lady yell) lol I pushed for literally what felt like and hour. This little girl was so stubborn! It was so hard to push her out, they kept saying I would push and they’d see her hair pop out then get sucked back in when I stopped 😂

Finally after years of pushing, I gave it one big push and me and my husband hear a POP, and put cake her head lol I literally sound like when you take the cork out of a wine bottle lol. When she came out I saw the look on the nurse and midwifes face. They were so stunned because this little girl came out sunny-side up, that’s why it was so hard pushing her out. She cried for hours after birth I knew something hurt her, turns out my spine and hers were rubbing against each other’s. I had back pain to where I had to go to PT! It was so hard to walk and sit. Luckily everything with her was great! Had a healthy 7lbs 6oz baby girl ..

I love reading your guys stories I hope you guys enjoy mine ❤️

Now I’m a mom to a

7 year old

3 year old

2 year old

And life couldn’t be any better 💕