Meter issues...Help

Noradun • 🌸Due in Sept 2019 with 🌈 after TTC 3.5 yrs with PCOS👣Mommy of 5 💑 Married for 14 yrs👩🏼‍🎓Graduating in 2019 👩🏼‍💻 WFH Mom 🌼

Okay, so first of all I am not diagnosed with GD, I don’t do standard testing because it’s unhealthy, instead I monitor sugar daily! I started off with one brand of meter, Accu-chek, my levels were good! Then my insurance switched to a new monitor (one touch). I assumed that all monitors were created equally so I didn’t compare the two with a single stick, I used the rest of my old strips and then started the new strips! I noticed a significant rise in blood sugar according to the One touch! It read 20 points higher on average than what I had been using! I have been dealing with crazy numbers ever since, no matter how strict I eat numbers are odd, one fasting maybe 105, another 130! I was freaking out! Because tests trips are so expensive on one touch and they don’t pay for more than 25 strips at a time, it was suggested I switch to ReliOn which my midwife said was much less expensive but in her experience found to be very reliable! So I got one, and took my sugar on both three hours after eating, when my sugar should have been nice and low, and the one touch read 129 and the ReliOn read 101! That’s a big difference! Has anyone found One Touch to read high? Has anyone had this issue? How do I determine which is correct? Obviously its sort of important to know! This is my 7th pregnancy, with no history of GD! 🤦🏼‍♀️