Do you believe in free will?

TubaQueen • Roses are red, Tulips are too. If you don’t wash your hands, I’m not chilling with you.

Religious Standpoint

***this is not a debate over religion and please do not argue over religion, God‘s existence, or similar!!! This is solely a post over free will.***

God knows everything that will happen and has happened. Does that mean that everything is predetermined? We don’t actually choose because it’s set what we will choose since He already knows? Confusing, I know, sorry.

Other(?) standpoint

Everything is chosen and caused by our actions. We choose what we want to do and nothing is predetermined

Similar to above

We have free will but some things are destined to happen

Final Viewpoint that I can think of

We are being controlled by a different species and are only part of a game or similar. Free will on our part doesn’t exist.

Do you agree with any of these viewpoints and why? Do you have a different point of vier? I’ve been thinking a lot about this question and have fallen into a loop. I need other thoughts.