
Hi Ladies! I wanted to share an experience I had after having acupuncture done. If I can help at least one person, that’s satisfying to me! After I realized my period itself wasn’t irregular but my ovulation always came so late, I decided to see an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility to help get my cycles on track. After seeing her since early May, she has helped bring my ovulation from cycle day 20/21, to cycle day 15/16. I was in complete shock and so grateful to feel that my body was regulating itself. I’ve suffered from a chemical pregnancy and a 6 week miscarriage in April. I’m hopeful continuing my acupuncture will help me get through a healthy pregnancy now that my body seems to have reset itself so to speak. Now, the 2 week wait begins..... 🤞🏼

Good luck to all you ladies trying!!