Protein S Deficiency


I haven't been on here since the lost of my 1st and 2nd daughter, Simora and Minettá. To even see the old post break my heart all over again. Simora was a stillborn delivered at 7 months at June 2nd, 2016 and Minettá was delivered on June 1st and passed the next day June 2nd a few days before they are legally able to try and save her💔 she was alive for 5 whole hours and they didn't help my baby 😢. I will be 8 weeks Sunday and I'm petrified. I have a new partner. When I hit 11 weeks, if my good allows I have to have a cervical cerclage in place. I'm petrified of that, I'm really a good female and never did anything to deserve what I've endured. People have talked about my daughters, even their own father ripped their birth and death certificates up in my face. He's done so much, hence we're not together anymore and I have a retaining order