Questions about my calendar/TTC/BFN/Cycle

This is my first month actually trying and tracking TTC (before now we've been just hoping it would happen at the right time, well after 6 years I'm trying this app) I typed in my last period and kept track of my ovulation and had sex as much as possible. Today glow told me to take a test so I did and got a BFN, plus my period came three days early. I updated my calendar and it changed my ovulation days completely. So all the days that I did have sex on, wouldn't matter. I guess I'm asking: do you rely solely on the calendar in the app or do you track your ovulation in other ways? I'm just getting really stressed and I'm wondering why it hasn't happen for us and it's been so long. 
First pic is what I was going off of, second is what it changed too after I added my period came today