Birth is pretty amazing. ❤ FTM.


On the day of my due date, I had been having painful contractions all night but they weren't horrible so I went to sleep. I woke up at 2:30am on Thursday, June 20th with super painful contractions that were in my back and I couldn't lay down or talk through them. I woke my husband up at 3:30 and had him rub my back thru them. They were every 5 mins apart, but I had been having prodomal labor for the last week so I didn't want them to send me home again. I got in the bath tub and labored there for about 45 mins until the contractions became super intense. I told my husband we should grab some food and head to the hospital (this was at 4:30am). I wanted McDonalds and I was STARVING but they werent open yet!! 😩 We were going to wait until 5 when they opened but I couldn't handle the pain so I told my husband to get to the hospital NOW. 

We get to the hospital and they check me and I'm only 3cm and 90% effaced. They hook me up to the monitors and leave me for a while to call my doctor. When she comes to check me I'm 4cm so they admit me! Right away  I start having back contractions that are 2-3 mins apart and lasting a minute. At first they were bearable and I got through them with breathing and bouncing on a ball and my husband doing counter pressure. I was determined to have an all natural birth without an epidural. I read the Hypnobirthing book and did meditation throughout my pregnancy. Well I got to 6cm and was feeling pretty good up to that point. I went to the bathroom and all the sudden the contractions hit me super hard to the point I was crying with each one and felt like my back was being split in half. So I asked for IV meds. They gave me some fentanyl and it helped a lot but it didn't last long and soon I was in pain again. I finally caved and got an epidural. I'm sad I couldn't do it without it but honestly I felt SO much better instantly and I don't regret getting it at all. 

After getting the epidural my heart rate did start to go a little crazy and I got the shakes really bad. The babys heart rate also kept dropping with each contraction. They did an EKG and gave me some fluids and it calmed down to where I was able to sleep. I slept for a while and woke up to be checked. Still only 6cm. They broke my water and started me on pitocin to get things going. I went back to sleep and used the peanut ball between my legs. I went from 6 to 7cm and 100% thinned! I was having a LOT of pressure in my butt with every contraction. I told the nurse that I had to take a huge poop but she didn't want to check me again since she just checked. Finally I was like I think I have to push so she checked and sure enough it was go time!! I was 10cm!

They told me we were going to practice pushing so we got ready and with my next contraction I pushed as hard as I could. They could already see his head! I pushed with all my might and in 35 minutes I pushed him out. He was sunny side up which they said usually adds on an hour of pushing but I got him out super quick. I wanted to meet my boy! When he came out I pulled him out and put him on my own chest. I was bawling and so was my husband and my Mom. It was the best moment of my entire life. 😭❤

I got a 2nd degree tear and one of my stitches wouldn't stop bleeding so she had to keep re-stitching it for a while but it finally stopped and my bleeding is very minimal now! Honestly I didn't even notice because I was so engrossed in my baby. We did an hour of skin to skin and he latched right away. 

All in all my labor was a pretty awesome experience. I labored for 13 1/2 hrs from start to finish. The second I popped him out and saw him I said "I would totally do that again" 🤣 He's 2 days old now and doing amazing. We get to go home today. ❤ 

Jaxson Lee. Born June 20th at 3:59pm on his due date. 8lbs 5.7oz and 21 inches long and perfect in every way!