Positive, post date natural birth


Our daughter, Adelaide, arrived Thursday (41+4). I’m sharing a little about our birth experience to encourage those of you still waiting, as it could not have been better.

My son was born three years ago, and let’s just say things did not go how I wanted. It was somewhat traumatizing. But this time was SO much better.

I wanted to do a natural birth (same as the first time) and also have a spontaneous labor. I talked my rather nervous doctor into pushing back an induction date until 41+5, and then luckily went into labor spontaneously the day before.

Started with strong and regular contractions at 8:00am, got to hospital at noon (about 6cm dilated). I walked for about 1.5 hours, then my water broke and I was immediately ready to push. I had about 5 pushes (hands and knees = favorite pushing position ever!!!) and she was born. The pain was really manageable - the last hour was tough, but that was really it. Anyway, for anyone hoping to labor without an epidural, I highly recommend hands and knees positioning. My first time around the doctor didn’t give me much of a choice, and I was flat on back/ stirrups with countdown pushing. It felt unnatural and horrible due to my intense back labor. This time, I felt completely in control and the whole process felt instinctive and rather easy, even with a huge baby (9lbs, 7ozs) compared to the first (only 7lbs, 2ozs).

I know things can go accordingly too o plan/hopes/desires, or not at all - and I’ve had both experiences. Either way, I got a baby at the end of it and was thrilled! But

I hope those of you who have had past difficulties are encouraged to see that it may actually go really well with subsequent births.