Hey girls.


Hey guys just wondering when you first had your baby and brought them home, how long did it take you to get into the swing of things? I have a 6 day old now, and so far it’s been hell lol not eating enough, sleeping way to much to not sleeping enough. Very gassy at night and crying mostly at night time. I have been breast feeding but as of last night I decided to bottle feed, I don’t think she has a good enough latch and that’s what’s making her super gassy, I have a hard time burping her, now that I’m bottle feeding her I can get her to burp no problem, and it eases my mind knowing exactly how much breast milk she’s taking in. Last night I gave her a feeding at 9 after that she got super gassy and was crying out in pain for 2 hours, we finally got her to sleep after giving her some ovol drops to help her tummy, then I was in a pickle because her next feeding was to be at midnight, but I had just gotten her to sleep, so I decided not to wake her, she ended up sleeping till 2 am. I fed her then and she only ate 1 ounce, and it took an hour and a half for her to eat it, but she didn’t get gassy, and went to sleep for 330, she then slept till 6am and I fed again and she ate 2.5 ounces, I then had to feed her at 9 and she ate 1.5 ounces, she’s due to eat again at noon so we will see how much she will eat for me then, she was awake for maybe 45 mins after the 9 am feeding I put her on her play Matt and she fell asleep lol. Today so far to me has been my best day yet! I finally got some sleep and I’m feeling more confident!