Period-like bleeding after sex. Is this normal?

I have been having sex, every other day to every other two days. After sex, we noticed blood on the condoms. It’s happened ever since me and this guy have been having sex. The first couple of times it was slightly tinted but still present. But last night it looked like I started my period (not starting for another 11 days and my periods are regular)!! It was so much blood.

I’ve had someone larger than him and rougher than him and didn’t have this problem, I should add, especially not how it was last night. In addition, I had been having some lower abdominal pains but not sure why. I’ve also had an ultrasound to some cramping that I had a couple months ago due to some very intense cramping that I experienced and everything came back normal! What should I do 😭 or had anyone experienced this?

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