My June 10th baby was born June 16th


I read and read and read every birth story and felt prepared but I was surprised how different mine was so I wanted to post. Not to scare others just give them a different perspective.

I was due June 10th and went in June 14th to be induced. I wanted to be induced. I was told I was 2cm and 80% effaced so it should be a fairly easy and quick process. It wasn’t.

I got there and took a pill. Waited 4 hours and took another one. I walked and bounced and relaxed and I didn’t dilate anymore. They decided a cook catheter would help me along so they inserted that, that wasn’t that bad or painful at all but cervical checks don’t bother me. Once it was in there and full I started experiencing some pretty intense pain so they gave me a shot of morphine. The pain stopped for only 20 minutes. They thought it was weird. The catheter fell out on its own so I was 4CM! They started Pitocin and Then suggested breaking my water to further things along. I agreed. They broke my water and that’s where everything went downhill pretty fast. The contractions started almost right after my water breaking. I have a great pain tolerance but wanted an epidural almost immediately. The epidural was NOTHING let me tell you. I was just ready for relief. My legs went pretty numb but i could still use them. The pain subsided for maybe 15 minutes and then came back worse on one side. They thought maybe my epidural was placed incorrectly until the pain switched sides and then the epidural stopped working. I was throwing up constantly and don’t remember much because of the pain I was in. My contractions wouldn’t back down and wouldn’t give me a break. I stayed at a 8 for 4 hours. I got a shot to give my epidural a boost and that only lasted about 10 minutes. They didn’t understand why my meds weren’t taking for longer then 20 minutes. Then the back pain started so they flipped me over and had me on my hands and knees assuming my daughter was sunny side up. They had to wait to give me another shot because the first one was supposed to last 2 hours. At this point it was 3am and the pain was truly unbearable. The nurses felt so bad and I had my family in tears. I was blacking out here and there. The finally told me they were giving me two more hours to progress on my own or they were giving me a C section. I opted right there for a C section. The pain was unreal. They decided to completely put me to sleep for the fear my epidural would just wear off in the middle of surgery. I was sad and scared. That wasn’t my plan essentially and I wanted to push and hold her and all that but at this point I just needed to get her out safely. They rushed fast but I was contracting back to back to back until they finally put me under. When I woke up I was all smiles and joking. The pain was gone and I knew my baby was safe. They told me she was 9 lbs 13oz and I was SHOCKED. I gained almost no weight and carried so small. They said I lost half my blood in surgery and almost lost my uterus. But the second I held my girl I didn’t care at all. She’s beautiful and amazing and I’d do it over again for her. None of that was my plan but it happened and i wanted to be real and honest about it.

This was my last bump pic before she was born lol. Idk where she was hiding.