Undiagnosed preeclampsia


Ok, this is going to be long. I’ve Waited so long to write this my son is now two months old haha. Just figured I would share my experience with some mamas so you can be on the lookout and stay on top of your doctors. This was my first pregnancy and of course us first time moms usually freak out about everything and overthink everything so I believe that’s how my doctor took me. At around 34 weeks I started getting dizzy lightheaded seeing spots and keeping headaches along with HUGE swollen feet (ppl will tell you this is normal but there comes a point when it’s not!) when I told my doctor they told me to keep checking my blood pressure and if it got high to go to the ER. We bought a at home blood pressure monitor and every time I would check it it would be pretty high called the OB went in for them to check it and it happened to be in the normal range. They found protein in my urine so they ordered a 24 hour test that came back right at the cut off level for having preeclampsia so they said they would keep a eye on it but we were fine for now. I kept getting high blood pressure readings at home and went in for my next appointment now at 35 weeks had more protein in my urine so they ordered another 24 hour test on a Thursday and my next appointment was the following Thursday. I was told I would receive a phone call if my levels were high (NEVER GOT A CALL) The following Monday (before my next appointment) I had a blood pressure reading of 166/106 I called my doctor and told her and she said IF it really is that high to go to labor and delivery (as if I was making it up 🙄) my husband and I grabbed our bags just in case and headed to labor and delivery once we got there they hooked me up monitored baby, thank God my son was fine but my blood pressure was 166/106 so at 36 weeks I was told I was not leaving the hospital until my son was born. They tried to induce me But my body was retaining fluid’s and I wasn’t progressing by the next day so my doctor decided to do an emergency C-section. My son was born weighing 6 lbs. 6 oz. and very healthy thank God. We had to stay in the hospital for 5 days due to my high blood pressure issue. After leaving the hospital and signing into my app that lets me see my lab results from the OB I saw that my 24 hour test had came back that Saturday (two days after doing it) with a level of 2289 😳😳😳 it’s not supposed to be over 300. It blows my mind that they let me go 3 days and still didn’t tell me to go to the ER until I called about my BP. Ladies my advice to you is to stay on top of your doctors.

(Look how much I was retaining water, my face and neck were so swollen)

(Day we came home, once I stopped retaining water and the swelling went away)

My sweet boy ❤️