Husband rant

I just really need to vent right now. My husband is an idiot and I mean that with every fiber of my being. He’s so clueless when it comes to how to speak to ppl it boggles my mind. He’s a manager and was already warned once at work about something he said to a female employee that was taken the wrong way and he was suspended without pay for 2 weeks a few months ago. He was told anything ever happens again that’s it he done. I spoke to him and told him just be careful what you say. You go to work do your job and don’t be ppl friends. Well what does he do??? Goes to work and tells a female employee that he thinks a customers shorts are too short and he wouldn’t let his daughter walk out of the house like that... like wtf. Why even make that comment. You’re a manager that comment is not necessary. Well the female employee told the store manager and now he’s suspended pending termination. Soo that’s it. Basically he has to quit so he isn’t fired and hopefully they let him do that. Here’s the best. My last day at work was Tuesday bc we decided it would be better for our daughter if I stayed home and took care of her and he was making enough to support us financially ...welll now we both don’t have jobs and all I want to do is scream at him. He’s been crying and kicking himself everyday but I literally cant be there for him, I’m too angry right now. Anyone ever go through anything similar ??? Just need some advice or encouragement.