I love you but it’s over! Don’t leave stay??? What


He just broke up with me saying that he is not in love with me no more but love me so much

How can I deal with this my now ex bf we live together we just renew the lease it’s just so weird I have nowhere to go no one to talk to don’t want to bother my friends he was my go to person but no longer. I’m trying to keep it together but i can’t

Is it too annoying to keep trying I want him to see that the problems we were having and so easy to fix and that the connection we have is from another planet I feel so secure next to him he gives me peace I can’t loose that. And the fact that he says he loves me and that he loves me so much he doesn’t want to loose me and want to keep living together until the lease is up and be roommates because we are great together gives me hope that if now that I know make changes in us we would work and be happy but how can I make him understand when his says he’s so sure about his decision but has a tiny feeling he might have made a mistake? I still have hope I can save this

But should I??? That’s my question or should take this like a men be a men cold and just work work work work get money to move out as soon as I can and forget about it.

I care about meaningful relationships and this is one I have a gut feeling but i need advice on how to be realistic and wake up when I need to