Office call with bleeding


16W today. A little less than a week ago everything was fine. Today I did a lot more walking than I normally do. But everything was fine each time I went to the bathroom and I stayed well hydrated. So we get home tonight and I go #2 I was a little constipated and pushed a little hard, nothing crazy tho. When I wiped there was a decent amount of red blood on the toilet paper from my vagina and when I looked in the toilet it seemed like a decent amount in there as well. I immediately called my drs office at which point they said the on call dr would call back in about 20 mins. So she finally calls and says that unless it’s heavy go to the ER. She said if it’s light to wait it out until Monday and then call the DRs. I don’t have any cramping. And it has lightened up to a more orange color. I’ve had this happen in the past when I had a BM, I guess I’m just wondering how common this is? And why the office takes these calls so lightly.


Went to the ER this morning and was just released. Ultrasound when great baby is still alive and kicking. But I do have a small subchronic hemorrhage. Which is why they think I had the bleeding. I have an appointment with my dr tomorrow afternoon and was given another round of Rhogam today. I was told this is actually pretty common. Have any of you ladies ever delt with this?